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Men’s Foursomes Championships Rd 2
June 29, 2019
Foursomes Championship Event – 2 players in a team alternate turns playing the same ball. One team member tees off on the even holes and the other tees odd on the odd holes. A team’s Net score will be calculated by deducting half of the total aggregate handicap of the team from the gross score.
Visitors are welcome (they can win the day but not the trophy which is a closed event). There is also a Single Stableford comp.
Men’s Foursomes Championships 2019
- Foursomes: Two players play as partners and use one ball. The players strike off alternately from the tee and thereafter strike the ball alternately during the play of each hole. If either player incurs a penalty stroke it does not alter the rotation of play.
- The competition will be played according to the ‘Rules of Golf’ and competitors must be members of Leura Golf Club and hold an AGU handicap. Members are reminded that this is a club championship event and members’ attention is directed to By-Law 7 – see below. For the purposes of these Conditions of Play “Club Championships” where used in the by-law shall mean “Men’s Foursome Championships”.
- The competition will consist of two rounds of 18 holes foursomes stroke play from the blue tees on Saturdays 22 and 29 June 2019. Preferred lies in accordance with the Local Rules will apply. The 12th hole C graders Local Rule will not apply.
- For Round 2 the order of play will be reversed from that of Round 1.
- Round 2 tee times shall commence at 8.28 am, the B graders to hit off first followed by the A graders. Pair groups shall be decided by the Match Committee and if there shall be an odd number of pairs an A grade pair may be grouped with a B grade pair.
- The handicap of each pair will be one half of their combined daily handicaps applicable at the commencement of Round 1.
- The competition will be played in two grades, namely
- A grade – pair handicaps of 16 or less
- B grade – pair handicaps of more than 16, 36 being the maximum handicap.
- The championship winners in each grade will be the pair who returns the best aggregate scratch score over the two rounds. There will be net winners in each grade. There will be prizes for the Runners-up.
- In the event of a tie winners will be determined by count backs as applied by Golf Link.
- All disputes must be in writing and will be decided by the Match Committee. Decisions will be final.
- If in the opinion of the Match committee in conjunction with the Greenkeeper the course should be closed due to inclement weather the round affected shall not be played and shall be re-scheduled.
- There will be no NTP competition for those playing in the foursomes championships.
By-Law 7 – Club Championship Eligibility:
To be eligible to play in any Club Championship event, a member shall have completed at least two (2) monthly medal rounds or at least five (5) competition rounds at Leura Golf Club in the 12 months immediately preceding the Club Championships. (ie the Club Championship event concerned)
Medley club competition: There will be a singles Stableford competition from the blue (men) and red (women) tees for those who elect not to play in the championships. There will not be a 2 ball competition. There will be at least one NTP.
The Local Rules apply to the Championships except as noted, expanded and/or clarified below.
Includes the artificial surfaces and sides of roads and paths including gravel paths.
Relief may be taken under Rule 16.1b if a sprinkler head or other immovable obstruction is on the line of play and is within two club lengths of the putting green, and within two club lengths of the ball provided that there will be no relief if the line of play is clearly unreasonable.
The 12th hole local rule which is applicable to C graders only shall NOT apply for the purposes of the Foursomes Championships.
There is a clearly defined drop zone alongside 6th green (left hand side). Relief from designated bushes.
SLOW PLAY – Rule 5.6
Slow play penalties will be imposed.
General penalty for breach of Local Rules – 2 strokes.
June 2019