Course and Club House open to visitors – 2.6.20
Leura Golf Club remains committed to providing strict Social Distancing and Hygiene protocols. This is all the more important given the recent advice of the N.S.W. State Government and Golf N.S.W. Restrictions have ben eased both on the course and in the Clubhouse.
As and from Friday the 5th June, the Club House will be open for up to 50 patrons at a time. Initially, the opening hours will be Friday and Saturday noon to 9pm, Sunday noon to 5pm.
This move will be driven in partnership with our colleagues at the Fairmont which will see the Bistro cater for 50 diners. It is imperative reservations be made through the Fairmont (02 4785 0000). The Bistro will operate on Friday and Saturday evenings for dinner (6pm to 9pm) and Saturday and Sunday for lunch (noon to 3pm).
Procedural necessities will include:-
- Social distancing throughout all areas of the Club. No mixing of groups.
- Sanitising stations will be placed throughout the premises coupled with a regular cleaning regime.
- Designated Covid marshalls will include Staff and their directions are at all times to be adhered to.
- It will be a pre-requisite that ALL persons entering the Club (no exceptions) will need to sign in and record contact details.
The aforementioned is not an exhaustive list of what is required by Authorities and L.G.C. It will be refined and updated come Friday 5th June by our General Manager and his team.
Visitors now have the opportunity to return and play golf at L.G.C. This comes into effect immediately. All will be welcome in the Club house provided the aforementioned strict protocols are observed. To book a game click here.