Extraordinary General Meeting


An Extraordinary General Meeting of the Leura Golf club will be held at 5pm on Friday 25 August in the Leura Golf Club

The meeting will consider the following Motions to amend the Constitution by Special Resolution pursuant to clause 62 of the Constitution.

Note clause 62 of the Constitution provides:
The Constitution may be altered or amended at a General Meeting by Special Resolution of which due notice has been given to members of the Club.  The majority required for passing of a Special Resolution relating to such alterations or amendments to the Constitution shall be seventy-five per cent (75%) of members present and voting at the said meeting.  A Special Resolution must be passed as a whole and cannot be amended from the floor of the meeting or divided into two or more separate resolutions.

Motion 1: Add to clause 5 the following new classes of members of the Club:

  • Colt member aged 18-30
  • City Member
  • Essential Services Member

Motion 2: Add a new clause 17A:

Staff Member, is a person employed by the club admitted as a member at an annual membership fee to be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. They will receive a membership card. They may attend any meetings of the Club, but are not entitled to vote at any election, nor are they eligible for election to the Board of Directors of the Club nor are they eligible to nominate any person to be a Director of the Club.

Colt member, is a person aged 18-30, admitted as a member at an annual membership fee determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.

City member, is a person who lives within the Sydney Metropolitan Area. A City member will pay an annual membership, to be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. A City member is entitled to play 12 games in their year of membership. They will receive a membership card. They may attend any meetings of the Club, but are not entitled to vote at any election, nor are they eligible for election to the Board of Directors of the Club nor are they eligible to nominate any person to be a Director of the Club.

Essential Services member, is a person who is an active member (paid or voluntary) of front-line Essential Services defined as Police Force, Fire Brigade, Rural Fire Service, Medical and Nursing Services, and who works in the Blue Mountains Local Government Area. An Essential Services member will pay an annual membership fee, to be determined by the Board of Directors from time to time. They shall have social playing rights on the course but do not have voting rights and cannot play in members’ competitions. They will receive a membership card. They are not entitled to vote at any election, nor are they eligible for election to the Board of Directors of the Club nor are they eligible to nominate any person to be a Director of the Club.
