Members-only Golf 7.4.20
Dear Member,
Given the unpredictable and unforgiving impact of the Coronavirus, your Board has decided to RESTRICT golf to LGC members only as and from Tuesday the 7 April 2020. In essence it comes into effect immediately.
Should you decide to play in the remaining competitions on Wednesday or Saturdays or indeed wish to play a social round you MUST book online. This is mandatory. Should you have difficulty accessing the online system please email the pro shop and you will be assisted in that regard.
All competition golf will be staggered at 8 minute intervals. Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your tee off time. Should you be earlier please wait in your car and do NOT, under any circumstance, congregate around the pro shop or putting green.
Other than the Starter one other person only allowed to enter pro shop at the same time. Remember ‘tap and go‘ only, no cash.
You are all aware of what you can and can’t do in terms of social distancing and hygiene. Respect these dictates and remember groups of two only and one person to a golf cart.
Your Board would like to acknowledge the large field of golfers in Saturday’s competition and their collective commitment in following appropriate health and distancing guidelines.
On behalf of the Board of Directors my good wishes to you all.
Jock Scullion-Stewart